From the Toronto Community Mobilization Network:
The Toronto Community Mobilization Network and Defence Fund are calling on our friends, our comrades and strangers to hold fundraising events in support of the legal defence of the 17 community organizers facing the most serious charges stemming from G20 protests, as well as the hundreds of people facing lesser charges.
We need to support all of those arrested during the G20 summit and continue to mobilize and build greater solidarity among our communities.
Legal fees for the 17 alone are expected to reach into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s a lot of money we need to raise, but every little bit helps. Any event to bring in money, whether it’s a small house party or a massive concert, makes a difference. Ensuring that all of our comrades have access to good legal defence in court costs money, which is why we need your support in bringing it in.
Possible fundraising events include, but are not limited to:
— Film screenings
— Concerts
— House parties
— Panel discussions
— Raffles
— Garage sales
— Anything else you can think of — be creative!
Once your event is planned, send the details to [email protected] and we can promote your event on our website. Visit and check out our own fundraising callouts and other resources you can use in your organizing.
Funds raised will be donated directly to the G20 Defence Fund. From there, funds will be distributed to those with the most need, prioritizing those still in custody on serious charges.
Personal donations are also appreciated.
To transfer funds, transfer to:
transit number 00646
institution number 842
account number 3542240
Use your online bank account or contact your bank directly to transfer funds. Please put “G20 legal defence” in the memo.
Write a cheque:
Toronto Community Mobilization Network
360A Bloor Street W
PO Box 68557
Toronto, ON
M5S 1X0
To donate by PayPal, go to
Thank you for your help. Together we will create a just world that places people and the environment before the profits of corporations and the political elite.
In solidarity,
The Toronto Community Mobilization Network