The following, eight-minute comedy skit was broadcast on south German state television channel ZDF on September 23, on the program Die Anstalt (The Institute). ZDF is one of the most-watched German television channels.

The skit is titled, ‘Propaganda’ and has been sub-titled into English. Die Anstalt spoofs the avalanche of anti-Russia propaganda surrounding the war in eastern Ukraine this past summer. The program warns its viewers: “Any similarity to the current news is unintended and accidental, but absolutely inevitable”.

If Germans are starting to see through the fog of media propaganda over Ukraine, how long until the rest of the world follows? The progandists in Canadian mainstream media might benefit by watching some German television. Be sure to activate the ‘English subtitles’ bar on the top of the viewing screen, as needed. And here is a link to the original German-language broadcast.

Here is a further German television spoof, featuring German comedian Voker Pispers discussing the double standards in the foreign policies of NATO countries. It is four miniutes long:


Roger Annis

Roger Annis

Roger Annis is a coordinator of the Canada Haiti Action Network (CHAN) and its Vancouver affiliate, Haiti Solidarity BC. He has visited Haiti in August 2007 and June 2011. He is a frequent writer and...