UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaking in Ukraine in April of 2022.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaking in Ukraine in April of 2022. Credit: Office of the President of Ukraine / Wikimedia Commons Credit: Office of the President of Ukraine / Wikimedia Commons

Militarism has brought us here with lightning speed as the world now stares down the barrel of its own nuclear guns. The two Cold Warriors, NATO and Russia, after half a century of playing their expensive military games, have now snookered themselves and the world into an untenable and ultimately fatal position. A position, that if not resolved, will lead to the end of humanity. And what is clear is that none of the protagonists involved in this growing world war have the capacity within their own means to extricate themselves from this metastasizing conflict. 

The failed attempts at resolving this growing conflict between NATO and Russia in Ukraine, as it approaches the three years mark have floundered in ineptitude or cosmetic showmanship. No suitable party has come forward to engage the warring parties in constructive sustaining negotiations that have the capacity to resolve differences such that a durable peace might be achieved.

The only individual capable of filling that role is UN Secretary-General António Guterres. By virtue of his position and the institute he represents the Secretary-General carries the stature and gravitas and impartiality to conduct a mediation between the parties. As well, personally, Guterres has had extensive and successful careers as a political leader and high-ranking diplomat. And importantly he has indicated to the world community since the outbreak of the Ukraine war his availability and willingness to play a mediating role in quelling this conflict. And this is not a job to be left for the clownish Donald Trump.

Guterres’ services are essential in the face of the world’s communal inability to end this war. But rather instead the efforts of the protagonists have only proven to escalate the conflict.

As Canadians we should ask that our government put forward the following resolutions to the U.N. General Assembly:

  1. That the world calls for an end to all shipments of weapons to the warring factions in the Ukraine war.
  2. That the world calls for an end to all future expenditures of weapons with public funds.
  3. Require all warring parties in the Ukraine war to meet with the UN Secretary-General and his team on a sustained and constructive basis to complete negotiations towards resolution of all conflictual issues.

Without eliminating militarism and the arms industry on which it thrives, we have no chance of eliminating the causes that have brought the world community to this perilous position we find ourselves in today.

Further, unless there is sustained dialogue led by an experienced and skillful diplomat this war will only continue to escalate until it reaches the unthinkable.

Mark Leith

Mark Leith is a retired psychiatrist, and a member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada and Seniors for Climate Action Now and the author of the hit play on propaganda Dinner...