An upbeat musical documentary about the Manif Casseroles Rally held in Toronto on May 30, 2012.
A film by Elizabeth Littlejohn
“Resilience” Written and Performed by Annabelle Chvostek
Director’s Statement:
I directed this musical documentary of the Manif Casseroles, held on May 30 in Toronto, to support Québec students, and to include a discussion about the democratic right of civil society to control access to our education, natural resources, and cultural heritage as they are being undercut by Bill C-38, Bill-78 Bill-55, and the federal budget, as currently proposed by Canada’s Conservative Government.
I was so moved by Jeremie Battaglia’s Casseroles – Montréal, 24 Mai 2012 video at that I decided to make a call and response video to his work from my perspective — in joyous colour, with a woman singing — which reflects the diverse, politicized beauty of Toronto.