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Celebrate with rabble!

This week, rabble is excited to celebrate another year in the progressive news space.

Twenty-three years ago, rabble was founded by feminist activist Judy Rebick and others as a place to share high-quality progressive news which was accessible to all – and without corporate influence.

Since our founding, rabble has remained dedicated to sharing stories and elevating voices that are left out of mainstream discourse. rabble seeks to be a home for Indigenous, feminist, environmental, and labour news, sharing the stories that are not found elsewhere.

Help keep our news free

Anyone with familiarity with the news media industry knows that independent journalism is struggling. This partly comes from a changing media landscape and inadequate funding. 

The pandemic, and then inflation hit everyone hard – and the newsrooms that rely on ads and donations have seen less support as a result.

To make matters more dire, the introduction of Bill C-18 has made it more difficult than ever for news outlets to grow and reach their audiences. For years, media groups used Facebook and Instagram to reach their audience, but their parent company, Meta Inc. decided to block all Canadian news outlets, rather than pay for their content, which is what Bill C-18 required.

While this has all had a major impact on rabble, we are fortunate to have such a strong network of donors and supporters. 

This week, we reach our 23rd birthday thanks to your support. And with your ongoing help, we will make it to 24 and beyond

What’s on the horizon

As rabble enters another year of operation we are looking forward to continuing to cover the major stories in the news through a progressive lens. Watch out for stories on the ongoing oppression of Palestinians in the Middle-East, the climate crisis and of course, the latest in labour news.

Stay up-to-date on the latest news by signing up for our newsletter. And listen to interviews with newsmakers and activists every week on our flagship podcast, rabble radio.


Thank you to all of our readers and supporters for helping us do what we do for the past 23 years. We look forward to seeing where this journey takes us next together.

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Nick Seebruch

Nick Seebruch has been the editor of since April 2022. He believes that fearless independent journalism is key for the survival of a healthy democracy. An OCNA award-winning journalist, for...