Once upon a time, daily newspapers had labour reporters, who covered strikes, negotiations, and who investigated the conditions that workers endured. rabble.ca is proud that we carry on the tradition of labour news reporting and we are excited to announce our first labour beat reporter, Lori Theresa Waller.
As a freelance writer, Lori has written about environmental and social justice topics for Briarpatch, The Dominion, and Peace and Environment News. Lori’s work will involve covering meetings, conferences, media briefings and interviews with leaders in the labour movement. Lori will also be working with rabble.ca’s Parliamentary reporter, Karl Nerenberg covering committees and scrums.
This inaugural labour beat co-op placement is a position created in partnership with the Canadian Auto Workers. The goal of the program is to equip the reporter with the skills and knowledge of the labour movement and workers’ issues so that not only will there be six months of solid reporting but also for many years to follow, in other media outlets.
Follow Lori’s reporting and all of rabble.ca’s labour coverage at: rabble.ca/issues/labour.