One year after the warehouse garment factory known as Rana Plaza in Savar, Bangladesh collapsed and families are still left without financial compensation from some of the world’s biggest clothing brands. The Rana Plaza Arrangement was created to ensure that families and injured workers would receive just compensation. The fund only has $16 million from the companies – but they need at least $40 million to fairly compensate all families and workers affected. Still, some clothing brands that had their clothes produced at Rana Plaza, endorsing the abhorrent working conditions and complete lack of safety standards for their workers, have yet to contribute.
Currently, the fund has only received one third of what it needs. Companies that have connections to the factory who have already donated are:
Bonmarché, C&A Foundation, Camaïeu, El Corte Inglés, Inditex, KiK, Loblaw, LPP S.A., Mango, Mascot, Premier Clothing, Primark and Walmart and The Children’s Place through BRAC USA
But their contributions aren’t enough. Put pressure on brands to give to the victims of Rana Plaza!
Out these brands on social media and make it clear that @ChildrensPlace and @Walmart need to do right thing, and #PayUp to #RanaPlaza
Sign this petition for the brands to pay up!
Attend the Global Day of Action for Rana Plaza Victims in Toronto or find an event near you.
Read more on the injustices in the garment industry.
Join the Fashion Revolution and find out who made your clothes.