Dene Nation‘s status update.Dene Nation Facebook
October 17, 2013
YELLOWKNIFE – The Dene Nation stands in full support of the Elsipogtog community and leadership in their defence against fracking and shale gas development within their traditional territory.
“We stand in complete solidarity with the Elsipogtog people to express full support and continue their efforts for developing an energy plan for their territory” states Dene National Chief Bill Erasmus.
The Elsipogtog First Nation has been protesting the energy company SWN Resources outside Rexton, New Brunswick regarding fracking and shale gas development for the last month.
Fracking, also called hydro-fracking is a relatively new process of natural gas and oil extraction. Fracking is fundamentally different than traditional gas & oil extraction methods. Fracking wells go thousands of feet deeper than traditional natural wells. Fracking requires between two and five million gallons of local freshwater per well – up to 100 times more than traditional extraction methods. Fracking utilizes “fracking fluid,” a mix of water, sand, and a cocktail of toxic chemicals. The amount of wastewate produced by fracked wells is much greater than traditional wells.
“We understand the local Chief Arron Sock is meeting with Premier David Alward later today on the issue. We are pleased with that. However, this is a nation to nation treaty issue and the crown has to be upfront and responsible” said Dene National Chief Bill Erasmus. In addition, “the RCMP and security need to provide safety and security as they did at treaty time. They have to promote peace, order and good government”.
We await further information from the Elsipogtog Peoples to organize solidarity actions for their people.
For more information, contact:
Barrett Lenoir, Executive Assistant
Dene Nation
(867) 873-4081
Email: [email protected]