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The Dalhousie scandal may not be dominating the front page anymore, but its ripple effects are still being felt in the dentistry industry. But it’s hard to imagine that the seismic shock of the DDS Gentlemen will lead to any significant attitudinal shift in a field where ‘feminization’ is a growing ‘concern.’ Dr. L — a dentist in Ontario — shares her experience of sexism in her industry, and suggests ‘equalization’ as a less-offensive buzzword.
Speaking of bitter men, we all know that women owe men sex whenever they demand it — and if they don’t want to have it at that particular moment, then they owe them a detailed explanation as to why. Oh wait, that’s not right, is it? Meghan Murphy on male butthurtedness.
But it isn’t all bad news on the feminist front this week. In an awesome show of solidarity, a Vancouver men’s field hockey team exposed the ridiculousness of antiquated dress codes by trading in their shorts for sexy skirts. Kaity Cooper discusses that story.
The non-debate over vaccination wages on. Ill-informed parents weigh measles against autism, as though autism were a disease you can contract. Amongst all the ignorance, there is even more ignorant rhetoric — and a certain undercurrent of ableism — surrounding the media’s discussion of autism. Anne Theriault tells us what we’re really talking about when we talk about autism.
Ding-dong, the pipeline’s dead! In an historic 2013 speech on climate change, Bossman Barack said that he would not approve Keystone XL if it exacerbates climate pollution. Well, he’ll have to make good on his promise, since the EPA released a grim report on the climate impact of the pipeline. Adam Scott rejoices for environmentalists everywhere.
Kraft Dinner — does its cheesy goodness conjure up comforting images of your youth, carefree and fluorescent orange? Consider yourself amongst the lucky ones. Turns out, KD can taste differently depending on your food security level. Jesse Bauman on a fascinating study.
You’ve seen Wes Anderson’s stunning masterpiece The Grand Budapest Hotel, right? If you haven’t, go do that now. I’ll wait.
Alright, now that you’ve done that, read up on the man that inspired it. Stefan Zweig was a prolific writer from a bourgeois Austrian-Jewish family, who would become a pacifist as an officer in the Great War. Mel Watkins takes us back to that fascinating era.
Finally, this year is election year, which makes the role of independent media — such as this very website — as crucial as ever. Find out what you can do to aid in our crusade against the Harper government here.