December 3, 2021
Off the Hill: Games of the Throne
We share a clip from our most recent monthly political panel, Off the Hill, featuring El Jones, Clayton Thomas-Muller, and MP Leah Gazan.
We share a clip from our most recent monthly political panel, Off the Hill, featuring El Jones, Clayton Thomas-Muller, and MP Leah Gazan.
The international labour movement has condemned Israel’s attack on Palestinian human rights groups while it builds more settlements in the occupied territories. An interview with the Chair of the Council of Global Unions Stephen Cotton.
Libby Davies sits down with Dr. Jeanette Ashe to discuss the barriers that continue to exist for women in Canadian politics, despite the fact that the electorate is actually more likely to support women candidates.
The international labour movement held Make Amazon Pay demonstrations on Black Friday November 26, 2021. An interview with the General Secretary of Uni Global Union, Christy Hoffman. Also in RadioLabour’s report for the week of November 21 to 26, 2021 is: * Labour’s campaign for ILO Convention C-190 * The LabourStart report about union events…
Libby Davies and Rita Wong discuss Fairy Creek — the site of ongoing protests against old-growth logging on the southern portion of Vancouver Island. The protests have been going on for over a year now, with many activists — Rita included — travelling to and from the region when they can at the invitation of Pacheedaht First Nation elder Bill Jones and hereditary leader Victor Peter, upon whose lands the logging is taking place.
Unions around the world are fighting for women’s rights during the pandemic while lobbying for an international law against sexual violence and harassment at work. Plus the LabourStart report about union events. And singing: ‘A Woman’s Place Is In Her Union’ Music: UnioNation. Used by permission
This week on the show, Hamilton local Wayne MacPhail interviews rabble contributor and fellow Hamilton-area local Doreen Nicoll about what she sees as the threat of urban sprawl in Hamilton, Ontario.
Labour unions at COP26 were heard as countries such as Canada committed themselves to just transitions to green, sustainable, economies. Also in RadioLabour’s report for the week of November 7 to 12, 2021 is the LabourStart report about union events.
Stephen Wentzell speaks with American legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky to talk about his new book: Presumed Guilty: How the Supreme Court Empowered the Police and Subverted Civil Rights
Labour is tackling Amazon world-wide Unions around the world are campaigning to organize Amazon’s 1.3 million employees. An interview with the General Secretary of UNI Global Union, Christy Hoffman. And more labour news. Also in RadioLabour’s Report for the week November 1-5, 2021: * The union path to a care society * The Labour Start…
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Trudeau introduced his new cabinet to the country, shaking up his inner circle and giving us a peek into who he trusts most. There’s a lot we can learn about a government from the PM’s cabinet picks. What regions are represented? Whose got the chops for the top portfolios, like finance or global affairs? While there aren’t any “official” demotions… who is being given a less prestigious portfolio and who is being cast out of cabinet completely? There’s a lot to unpack.
The Ontario government has introduced legislation called the ‘Working for Workers Act 2021’ which would require companies to develop disconnect from work policies. An interview with the president of Unifor, Jerry Dias. Also in RadioLabour’s Canada Report for the week October 24-29, 2021: * Labour at the COP 26 climate change conference * The LabourStart…