
January 14, 2022

World labour’s demands for 2022

The international labour movement is calling for decent work and universal protection plans. Plus more labour news. Also in RadioLabour’s Report for the week January 9-14, 2022: * Fighting the privatization of African schools * The LabourStart Report of union events * And singing: ‘Too Old to Work’ Music: ‘To Old to Work’ by Joe…

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December 10, 2021

Land defenders Eve Saint and Jocey Alec talk Indigenous power in the face of RCMP arrests

This week on the podcast, rabble contributor Brent Patterson interviews Wet’suwet’en land defenders Eve Saint and Jocelyn, or Jocey, Alec. Eve and Jocey are sisters who have been arrested and criminalized for defending their sovereign territory in northern British Columbia from a fracked gas pipeline being built on those lands without consent.